If you’re considering writing a book for the first time, you may wonder where to start.

First, it’s important to understand exactly what it is you want to write. Are you attempting to write a non-fiction book or a work of fiction? In what genre do you want to write?  Technical manual, vacation guide or autobiography?  Romance, science fiction or mystery novel?

Once you’ve established the genre in which you’re writing, it’s time to do some research. You’ll want to learn about successful authors in your genre, as well as popular books within your genre.

Finally, it’s time to sit down and start writing!

What to Do Before Writing a Book for the First Time

Before writing a book for the first time, there’s one thing you need to do.

First, write an outline that details the book’s plot and chapters. Decide the number of chapters your book will contain and the chapter topics.  You’ll also determine the order in which events unfold and when you introduce characters. Start writing bullet points in your outline. Include character goals, the theme of each chapter, what scenes to include, what dialogue, etc.

The next step is to create a first draft by typing the contents of each chapter on a computer. Later, you can format the chapters to make them look presentable.  Create each chapter by first writing an introduction, followed by the body of the chapter. Then, add a conclusion. After this, go back and revise the entire chapter.

The next step is to copy edit each chapter. Read through and look for grammatical and spelling mistakes. Make edits as needed to complete each chapter.

The last step is to create an e-book.

How to Organize Your Thoughts for Writing a Book for the First Time

Writing a book for the first time is a hard task. You not only have to write the book but also organize your thoughts. Here are a few tips that may help.

Brainstorming: Brainstorming can help you organize your thoughts. Write all the ideas you have and then organize them. Then, you can pick out the ones you want to write about.

Focus: Focus on your topic. If you are writing about a topic, then it should be your topmost priority. This way, you can avoid distractions.

Writing a Book by Planning It All Out

Writing a book for the first time can seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be.  Here’s how to get started.

1. Put Pen to Paper (or Computer to Keyboard).

Sounds simple enough, but many people find that getting started is the hardest part. So, because writing is such a significant activity, why not just start! You can do this anywhere, anytime.  Get some good, sturdy paper and a pen and start writing. Don’t worry about the words, the spelling, grammar, or punctuation. Just get your ideas down on paper, and you’ll feel better.

2. Research.

Once you’ve got some words on paper, you can start thinking about them. Think about why you wrote the book, what your message is, and what your book is about. But remember, this is your book.  It doesn’t have to be a bestseller. And you may not get rich from it. But that doesn’t matter.  All that matters is that you wrote the book for yourself.

3. Outline the Bigger Picture.

Once you’ve got your thoughts down on paper, you can follow them to figure out the bigger picture of your book.

4. Write a First Draft.

Now that you’ve figured out what you want your book to be about, you can start writing. Just focus on getting your ideas down on paper. Don’t worry about the grammar, spelling, punctuation, or perfect sentence structure. Just focus on putting your ideas down on paper the way you would want to read the finished product.

5. Rewrite.

Pretty soon you’ll have a first draft.

Writing a Book in Just 30 days

There are 30 days in a month, so just imagine what you can accomplish in a 30-day period. If you take this mindset to your future endeavors, you will achieve more this week than you have in a while. It’s simple, you just need to plan.

  • Sit down and write out a 30-day plan.
  • List all the ideas that you already have in your head.
  • Now prioritize the list.
  • Pick the three most important things that you have listed.
  • In order of importance, rank these three.
  • Now pick the one task that is the biggest priority for you.
  • Now write everything that you need to accomplish in order to complete this task.
  • Break down the task into mini-tasks and tasks to be completed in 30 days.
  • Now daily re-evaluate your list and daily tasks.
  • Make proper adjustments.
  • Be resourceful if you can’t complete any of the tasks.