Microsoft Word performs on the fly spell checking as you type.  It also displays synonyms for words, providing access to an online thesaurus.  Collectively, I refer to these features as typing assist.

In this post, I explain how to use the Microsoft Word editing pane context menu to access spelling corrections, synonyms and a full thesaurus.

Display the Context Menu

Position your input cursor over a word in the editor pane and right-click your mouse to display the context menu.  You can use the context menu to cut, copy and paste text.  You can also use the context menu to access spelling corrections, synonyms and the thesaurus.  Left-click your mouse anywhere outside the menu to hide it without taking action.

Spell Checking

Microsoft Word displays a red line under words that are misspelled.  It displays purple, blue and green lines to identify other grammar errors.  The context menu for these highlighted words includes recommended corrections.  Click on a correction to accept it or click on Ignore Once to ignore the error message.  You may also add words to the dictionary.


To keep your reader interested, it’s best not to repeat uncommon words.  Instead, replace repetitions with synonyms, or words that mean the same thing.  To display synonyms for a word, place your input pointer over the word and right-click your mouse to display the context menu.  Move your input pointer over the Synonym menu item to display a short list of synonyms.  Click on any of the synonyms to replace the current word.


A thesaurus is like a dictionary that instead provides lists of synonyms.  To access an online thesaurus for the selected word, select Thesaurus at the bottom of the synonym list.

Use these tools to resolve common writing errors while you’re writing.

I’ll see you in the classroom,
