Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is the web-based, self-publishing interface used by indie authors to publish and sell Amazon Kindle e-books and Print on Demand (POD) paperbacks on Amazon.  The KDP interface also provides access to the Audiobook Connection Exchange (ACX), Amazon’s indie interface to contracting audiobook narrators or narrating and publishing audiobook yourself via Amazon, Audible and iTunes.

This post outlines the use of the KDP web-based interface to self-publish media on Amazon, to monitor sales and to run promotions and advertisements.

Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) in a Nutshell

Go here to access Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) web-based interface.

Use your Amazon account to login and get started.

Self-publishing Amazon, Smashwords, Book Cover and Marketing

Learn to self-publish and book using my 15+ hour Udemy online video training course:

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