In this lecture, I provide an overview of my proposed self-publishing process so the student understands subsequent discussions.

I’ve been publishing Udemy online video training courses for almost 7 years now. My favorite topic: Writing, Self-publishing and Marketing Amazon Kindle eBooks for Beginners. So, I’ve chosen to do it again… this time, off Udemy.

This time, I’ve decided to up my game. In the past, I used the simplest of Powerpoint presentations and screencast software demonstrations for my Udemy courses. This time I added talking head video, music and Powerpoint animation in an attempt engage my students more deeply in the learning process.

In the past, I dabbled. This time, I’m out for blood!

Please watch the attached video and provide feedback:

1) Did you learn anything?
2) Too fast, too quick?
3) What annoyed you most?
4) Anything missing?

This is my first video using the new format. It’s not too late to change things. Eventually, it will be. Please tear my presentation apart so that the end result is as good as it can be.

I’ll see you in the classroom,
