On September 4th, only one month ago, I began work to resurrect this blog.  The blog had several posts, but no one was visiting it and it had no marketing direction.

In this post, I want to outline my original marketing plan for this blog and evaluate its execution to the plan.

Blog Design

The original plan was simple:

  1. Seed my blog with hundreds of helpful blog posts related to the topics of writing, self-publishing, book covers and marketing books.  Have the site overflow with information.
  2. Pepper the blog with dozens of promotional advertisements for online video training courses and books.  All material is related to writing, self-publishing, books covers and marketing books.
  3. Embed an email list sign up form on the site to gather visitor email for future marketing efforts.
  4. Buy traffic in order to drive thousands of writers to my blog site.
  5. Sit back and rake in the money.

Note: Prior to coming up with this plan, I had read warnings that website banner ads no longer work (visitors now see right past them).  I ignored this warning and continued with my plan.

Blog Execution

One month after beginning implementation, I have completed all the previously specified steps except for step 5.  Included in these steps is paying a company $215 to send writer traffic to my site.

Instead of raking in the money, I have received $0.00 in revenue.  Not a single sale.

Even worse.  After publishing 41 blog posts last month, I’m running out of things to post about.

New Blog Plan

It’s obvious I need to reevaluate my original simplified plan to incorporate some of the unforeseen nuances of marketing via a blog.  Things to evaluate include:

  • Is my blog too complex and hard to navigate?
  • Are my blog posts boring?
  • Is my site design uninteresting and offputting?

I’ll see you in the classroom,
