So, let’s begin by assuming you’re on the fence regarding whether you should publish your finished manuscript for a novel, novella or short story.  What could I possibly write to persuade you to pursue the route of publication?

To Be Read

I’d like to begin this answer with a question:

If a tree falls in the woods and there’s no one there to hear it, does it make a sound?

I’ve asked this question of many students in the past and most provide cute answers that miss the point.  Allow me to rephrase the question to appear more applicable to the topic at hand:

If a story is written and no one reads it, was the story ever told?

I argue emphatically that the answer to this question is: no, certainly not!  The process of telling a story is one of writing it and having it read by another, just as the process of making a noise involves making the noise and having it recognized.

So, you’ve written a story, but no one has read it.  Congratulations, but wouldn’t you like your story to be told?


How would you like to be known amongst friends and colleges as a published author?

I am a published author.  I don’t possess an impressive catalog of material, but I am a published author.  In fact, my catalog is so unimpressive that I’ll refer to the published works of my wife, Melanie Jackson, a great deal more in this document than my own.

Are you a published author? How’d you like to be a published author?

You’d be surprised at how easy it is to become a self-published author.  And it’s free!  Keep reading if I’ve piqued your interest in the slightest…


Between August 2010 and now, my wife and I have earned approximately $500,000 from self-publishing books.  The details of our publishing history will become clear as this document progresses.  For now, suffice it to say that you can make a great deal of money self-publishing books on Amazon.

But check out this story…

I’m a member of several Facebook groups, though one fewer now.  Someone posted on one of my groups:

Why do you write?

You wouldn’t believe the outpouring of artistic sacrifice and passion this post elicited.  You would have thought they were describing giving birth rather than writing.  Then I provide my answer that was as simple as the original question:

To make money.

I was publicly laughed at and chastised for this response.  I was horrified by the reaction from this group of my peers.  I left the group soon after and suspect that its membership still consists of nothing more than self-sacrificing artists who haven’t made a single cent from their craft.

You know?  Suckers!

Allow me to assure you know that there is a great deal of money to be made in writing, and in this series of books, I’m going to start you on the road to snagging your cut of the pie.  More is to come, so follow along with me…


Writing is a wonderful way to document remembrances from your past for future generations to enjoy.  Alternately, document the remembrances of loved ones who have passed.  What a wonderful gift to give someone – the story of your life.  Even the story of theirs.

Consider this as well.  We are on the cusp of the computer revolution.  We are uniquely positioned to make ourselves immortal through our stories.  If we do so, we will provide the oldest and most authoritative accounts of our generation.

Why not make yourself and others immortal simply by documenting your memories?

Fun and Easy

Publishing your work can be fun and easy… assuming you do it the correct way.

I’ll just go ahead and give away the surprise upfront by letting you know that I’m a strong proponent of self-publishing.  Self-publishing puts you in charge and keeps more of your hard-earned money in your pocket (as opposed to the pockets of your agent and publisher).

And it’s fun and easy.  Give me a chance to prove it to you…

You Wrote It, Why Not Publish It?

If you’re browsing through this book, the odds are that you’ve already written or are near finishing a major piece of work.

Now what?

You may as well let people read it.  I mean people other than friends and family!

Come on now, you wrote your story for a reason.

I’ll see you in the classroom,
