Hello and welcome to my website, Author Blog and Reviews — the ultimate writer resource.

This site provides information about writing, book covers, self-publishing and marketing Amazon Kindle eBooks.

In this post, I provide an overview of the site content and pointers to navigating the website.

The Menu

The site menu presents six options:

Logo/Home: Click on the “Author Blog and Reviews” logo to return to the Home page.

Tools: Provides affiliate links to recommended writing and self-publishing tools.

Books: Provides links to my writing and self-publishing books for sale on Amazon.

Courses: Provides links to my writing and self-publishing online video training courses for sale on Udemy.

Contact: Provides my email address (brianjjaxn@gmail.com).

About: Provides a link to this post.

All external links open in a new browser tab.  Use the site menu to access information related to this page.

Home/Category/Archive/Tags/Search Result Pages

The site presents five pages of blog post lists:

Home: Click the “Author Blog and Reviews” logo to display the Home page.  A link to this post is followed by popular, highly rated and the latest blog posts.  The page ends with a list of the latest 10 blog posts.

Category: Click any of the blog categories in the sidebar to display a list of posts for that category of information.

Archive: Click a month to display a list of the posts for that month.

Tags: Click a tag to display a list of posts associated with a tool or topic of interest.

Search Result: Use the search field to search for a topic.  Blog posts matching the search are displayed on the search result page.

The Sidebar

The sidebar is displayed on the right side of every page.  Use it to navigate the site.

Search: Enter a search string to display a list of related blog posts.

Newsletter: Sign up for the newsletter to get fun stuff via email.

Categories: Display the posts for a category.  I organized Categories chronologically in the order in which they associated topics need to be addressed.

Book Calculator: A shortcut to the book calculator post.

Archives: Monthly blog archives.

Amazon Book Templates: A shortcut to the Amazon book templates post.

Tags: A tag cloud of tools and topics of interest.

Melanie Jackson’s Home Page: My wife’s author website (https://www.melaniejackson.com), which I also maintain.

The Newsletter

Finally, join the newsletter mailing list to receive a weekly email summary of the new blog posts every Monday at 8:00 AM PST.  I send promotional discounts to this list for books, courses and tools.

I hope you enjoy your stay.  Contact me via the contact form or by sending email to brianjjaxn@gmail.com.

I’ll see you in the classroom,
